Experienced work permit specialists since 2018

Work permit in Sweden - fixed prices

"We specialize in assisting employers, organizations, and individuals who are citizens of a non-EU country with the work permit application process. We have helped hundreds of employers and applicants. Always at a fixed price."
- Marie Häggman
Work permit specialist

Our services

We help employers and applicants

Are you an employer who wants to employ a non EU-citizen in Sweden? Or have you received a job offer?

Arbetstillstånd i Sverige
We apply for work permits

We do the whole process for you so you do not need to worry. Do as hundreds of others. Get in touch!

Marie Häggman
Marie - work permit specialist
Martin - migration jurist
Jasmin - migration jurist

Why choose us?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We help employers obtaining a work permit for their employees swiftly and effectively. 

We are a part of Enkla Juridik

Since the summer of 2023, the Swepermit brand is part of Enkla Juridik. Through this collaboration, in addition to work permit specialist Marie Häggman, there is a team of experienced immigration lawyers supporting us.

Marie Häggman